Families Find a New Way To Spend Time With Each Other

During lockdown and quarantine period we all are finding ways to maximize our time with families/partners/friends. Many are doing this by playing board games, which seemed to be a thing of the past in this 21st century world. But sons and daughters, sitting with their moms and dads in a nail biting ludo game is a recent scenario which can be seen in many families. All thanks to the lockdown period! Other people are going digital and making fun videos with their loved ones. In this context TikTok app is one app that has left all others behind.

Stay at home

TikTok makes it possible to make funny, emotional, trending, and informative and many other kinds of videos. People come together and create videos. First, the creators think about a topic, then plan the videos and all these activities which they perform collectively bonds family members and friends even better. If you have a look at David Warner’s account on TikTok, you would see how he and his family bond to create videos on TikTok.

This has helped people as it is basically a thing of common interest. Families sit together and watch these short video snippets together. They laugh, discuss and cry together because of these videos.

Other social media platforms which are trending during this lockdown period are Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. People share the photos and videos of things they are making, stuff they are doing and celebrating, problems they are facing and all news and discussions about these apps and platforms. Many like Sonu Sood are helping people by communicating with these social media platforms.

People are researching on social media, watching videos on the app, or reading articles on the TikTok newsroom,(will give enough information – https://newsroom.tiktok.com/en-in) and are enjoying all these activities and are cherishing the happy family time. Partners who are staying away from the family are getting connected with their families through Skype, Zoom Google meet etc. Even dance classes and other stuff are being taught to students through these apps. These apps through which you can talk to hundreds of people at a time have become our savior during such difficult times.

Families are bonding with each other like never before. All you need to do is stay safe at home with your partners and loved ones and follow the entertaining trends on TikTok. Parents are helping their kids in online classes, husbands are aiding their wives in family chores, work has been divided and every family member does their share of work. Such synchronization was never seen before. People are getting to feel the hardship when they are stepping into someone else’s shoes!

But overall the quarantine time has been a boon for social media platforms and a blessing for all of us and nature as well, as we all get to replenish ourselves. Now slowly and steadily unlock begins, and we all cherish this feeling too!



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