Black Coffee / Dry Ginger Coffee (Chukku Kaapi) Easy Recipe

Here’s a recipe for Black Coffee with Dry Ginger, also known as Chukku Kaapi, a traditional South Indian beverage known for its aromatic and medicinal properties:


  1. Coffee Powder: 1 tablespoon
  2. Water: 1 cup
  3. Dry Ginger (Chukku): 1 small piece (about 1 inch)
  4. Jaggery or Sugar: 1-2 teaspoons (optional)
  5. Milk: 1/4 cup (optional)


  1. Begin by preparing the dry ginger. Peel off the outer skin and crush it lightly using a mortar and pestle. This helps release its flavors.
  2. In a saucepan or a small pot, add water and crushed dry ginger. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 5-7 minutes. This allows the ginger to infuse its flavor into the water.
  4. After simmering, add the coffee powder to the pot. Stir well to combine.
  5. If you prefer your coffee sweetened, add jaggery or sugar according to your taste. Stir until the sweetener dissolves completely.
  6. Let the coffee simmer for another 2-3 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.
  7. If you like your coffee with milk, you can add it now. Pour in the milk and stir gently.
  8. Let the coffee simmer for another minute or two, ensuring it doesn’t boil over.
  9. Once the coffee is heated through and well blended, turn off the heat.
  10. Strain the coffee using a fine-mesh strainer or a coffee filter to remove any ginger bits or coffee grounds.
  11. Pour the freshly brewed Chukku Kaapi into cups and serve hot.

Enjoy your aromatic and soothing Black Coffee with Dry Ginger, a perfect blend of flavors and warmth, ideal for any time of the day, especially during chilly weather or when you need a comforting drink.

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