Top 5 Nutritious Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Hey friends, how are you all? I am enjoying writing posts here and it seems like I am quite obsessed writing here. Well, talking about today’s topic, I would like to speak about Top 5 nutritious food to eat during pregnancy. Pregnant woman are generally concerned about themselves and even their baby. You need to provide nourishment’s to your body as well as take care of yourself. Today, I would like to give you some suggestion about foods that you should be eating during your pregnancy. This will also ensure health of your unborn baby.

Check out Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Food, Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are one among the Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy. You should take at least 6 servings of fruit and vegetables per day and plan your meal according. Due to wide range of vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetable, it helps to benefit your body in several ways. Fruits are great source of Vitamin C that helps to keep your gums and tissues strong. In fact, it helps to heal your wound fast and also helps to provide the right amount of iron to the body. You should have enough of berries, green vegetables, apple, banana, cabbage, broccoli and papaya. You should try to include a plate of green salad in your daily diet.

Grains And Cereals

Including grains and cereals is another Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy. You should try to include more of bread, pasta, wheat, oatmeal and pasta. Other than been a great source of fiber, it helps to give you minerals that are loaded with iron and other nutrients. Other than this, you can also get enough amount of fiber that helps to treat constipation in a pregnant woman.


Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy include enough of proteins your diet. You should include more of beans, sprouts, fish, eggs and meat in your diet. A pregnant woman should include talking fish 2-3 times in a week and it is better if you include more of oily fish in your diet. Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are one of the healthy fats for a pregnant woman. It is said that omega 3 fats are responsible for making a pregnant woman strong and healthy.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are first on the list of food to eat during pregnancy and hence it is included in the list of Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy. You should include more of low-fat or skimmed milk, paneer, yogurt, lassi or buttermilk in your diet as they are not only rich in calcium dairy products also contains B12 and Vitamin D. You should consider drinking milk as it helps to improve digestion and also help to increase appetite in a person. However, if you are allergic to dairy products, you should consult your doctor about these things as it helps to boost the strength of your bone and teeth development. You should try to drink 2-3 glasses of milk each day.

Beans And Pulses

Beans and pulses are included in the list of Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy as they form to be a healthy diet. You should try to add beans and other sprouts to your salads, soups and noodles as it will help to give you the right amount of proteins and fibers. Kidney beans, soya beans, lobia, all pulses are really good for you and your baby’s health.

These were Top 5 nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy.

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