5 Step Daily Skin Care Routine You Must Follow

If you wish to have a flawless complexion and clear skin, then it is very important that you give the acquired time your skin needs. Well, you don’t need to a follow a very extravagant skin care routine, but a simple 5 step skin care will be just fine:

Daily Skin Care Routine
Daily Skin Care Routine | img-pexel
  1. Cleanse your face

The first and one of the major steps is to clean your face properly. It is important that you use a cleanser based on your skin type. Don’t go for a very harsh cleanser as it can damage your skin. If you have oily skin, use a foam face wash, and if you have dry skin then use a gel face wash.

  1. Toner

The second step is to tone your skin. Toning your skin is very important because it helps in cleaning your pores from within so that you don’t get any kind of acne. It cleans your skin and makes your complexion even toned as well.

  1. Moisturizing

The third step is to add moisture to your skin. Now this also depends on your skin. If you have oily skin, go for a light weight gel moisturizer and if you have dry skin the use a heavy moisturizer in cream-based form.

  1. Sunscreen/ Serum

If you are at your home and not going out, then you can skip this step, and simply use a serum for your skin to seal in all the goodness of the products in your skin. If you have to go out, then you should always put on sunscreen because that is very important to help your skin stay protected from UV radiations and so your skin does not get harmed by the sun.

  1. Under eye cream

If you have baggy under eyes, or dark circles, then you must not miss this step. Applying under eye cream is very important under your skin to keep it hydrated.

Finish up with your favourite lip gloss and that is it. follow this 5-step skin care and make sure to keep up with it!

Also read: 10 Foods That Can Destroy Your Skin

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